Thursday, November 06, 2008

Odds For 2012 President Already Posted

Just as most sportsbooks release Super Bowl odds for the upcoming season the day after completion of the latest NFL finale, BetUs Sportsbook is among the first to release odds on the 2012 election.

While most sports bettors are betting with the samurai warrior of sports handicappers Joe Duffy's picks on Broncos-Browns, Virginia Tech-Maryland or TCU-Utah, long term bettors are investing in politics.

Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney are the co-favorites to get the Republican nomination at +400. Bobby Jindal, who some say is already beginning his run is next with +700, the same odds assigned to Mike Huckabee and Tim Pawlenty.

Pro gambling candidate Ron Paul is +5000. Conspicuous by their absence in the GOP odds are Condoleezza Rice and anti-gambling zealot Bill Frist. General David Petraeus at +4000 is the most intriguing choice.

Says Grandmaster sports handicapper Joe Duffy, who gained international acclaim for his pinpoint political handicapping, "With the surge quietly working beyond expectations in Iraq, Petraeus could easily jump to the head of the class."

Duffy also adds though that the last time a liberal Democrat had such an overwhelming majority in both houses, a conservative Republican Ronald Reagan took the White House in a landslide, making Palin an understandable favorite.

Left wing blogs must think Palin is the favorite because even after Obama's historic victory, they are focusing on reports Palin thought Africa is a country not a continent.

The presumed incumbent Barack Obama is of course the overwhelming favorite from the Democratic side to be the 2012 nominee at -700. He is followed by Joe Biden at +400 and Hillary Clinton at +900.

BetUs also offers proposition bets on whether Obama becomes a father again in his first term, his possible impeachment or resignation and what happens first: Second Amendment is repealed, full troop withdrawal from Iraq, Afghanistan, or online gambling is legalized in the United States.

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