Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Latest News on Online Betting: Online Casino and Sportsbook Ticker

To say the least, the big story when it comes to online sports betting is the Department of Justice cracking down on your right to gamble by at least temporarily shutting down one of the top sportsbooks BetOnSports.

BoS’ lawyers declined to show up for a court hearing last week, showing how difficult it will be for the US government to prosecute.

Party Gaming was undeterred by negative developments on the US crackdown of online gambling. The guru of online poker betting, purchased Gamebrokers, an Antigua based sportsbook. However they are not expected to enter the United States market, at least not yet.

Andrew Kantor, of the USA Today wrote an outstanding editorial on the hypocrisy of the US government telling us gambling is the root of all evil sometimes, but not when it’s convenient for them.

The most popular American pastime, NFL gambling finally commenced Sunday night with underdog Oakland beating the Philadelphia Eagles. The NFL betting specialist nailed the under and passed on the side.

Similar to a Wall Street Journal poll, CNBC conducted a poll, albeit not exactly scientific that said an overwhelming majority of Americans want to see online gambling made legal.

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