Thursday, September 07, 2006


This is the kind of info you get every day


Wise Guy…

Miami-Pittsburgh OVER 34.5

What people do not realize is when the Steelers lost Ben Roethlisberger; they lost their best defensive player.  No folks, don’t demand a refund, I know he’s their quarterback, but that’s what I mean.  Big Ben led a Chinese water torture offense that ate up the clock and kept the defensive players off of the field.

From a fantasy football standpoint, backup Charlie Batch may put up “better” numbers, but that will mean more points for each side.

Miami with strong armed quarterback Dante Culpepper will open up the offense for sure, especially with two of their top three running backs now suspended because of drugs.

Both teams experimented with the no huddle in preseason and they were not going it for shats and grins.



Nobody will have to sell me on the importance of Ben Roethlisberger, but we can’t go far as to say he’s worth 6.5 points.  That’s how much his injury moved the line.  Charlie Batch won both games as QB filling in for Big Ben last year.

Good teams rally around adversity. The defending Super Bowl champs minus their starting QB but in front of the hometown crowd for the first time in the regular season as Super Bowl champs—all the ingredients are there.



Oregon State-Boise UNDER 59.5

This is one of the top sharp versus squares games.  That means most of the sharp money is going one way and most of the sucker money the other way according to our offshore, Vegas and “outlaw” contacts.  We go with the sharp money.

Please remember on some football days, especially when there is day baseball, we will skip the analysis to get the plays out a little quicker.



ST. LOUIS (WEAVER -104) Arizona (Batista)


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